Mt. Cameroon National Park
Mount Cameroon, also called Fako or Mongo ma Lobo in Bakweri, the local language, measures 4095 m high with a surface area of 58,178 ha. It is situated in the South West Region of Cameroon. Mount Cameroon is the highest peak of West and Central African. It is still an active volcano which last eruption occurs in 2000. Before that date, the Fako had erupted in 450, 1650, 1807, 1825, 1838, 1865, 1866, 1909, 1922, 1925, 1954, 1959, 1982 and 1999. It belongs to the effusive or Hawaiian volcano type which eruptions are generally "calm", that is the lavas are fluid and flow on a long distance. Compared to the explosive volcanoes, effusive ones a less dangerous and cause fewer victims.
Like in many areas of the world submitted to volcano activities, there exist many legends on this site. Our local guides will surely tell you one of them.
You are visiting one of the world's biodiversity hot spot located in the gulf of guinea. Many plants are found here, some of them are medicinal such as the Prunus Africana which is use for the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer. Many giant ferns and orchids' species as well as huge tropical threes with giant roots are also found here. For visitors ascending Mount Cameroon, they will go across four different vegetation zones.
At the beginning of the expedition at 1010 m high, there are abandoned farms which serve today as pasture. From 1675 m, you will enter in to the tropical rainforest that you will leave later at around 2200 m for the savanna. From 3000 m until the summit, you will discover a typical volcanic landscape with volcanic black sand and craters. At the lower part of the summit area you can still find some rare plants.
A part from this special vegetation, Mount Cameroon is living room for many endangered and endemics animal species. For example, there are two bird's species, the Mount Cameroon Francolin and the Mount Cameroon speirops that are only found here. This site is a paradise for birdwatchers. Endangered species like the forest elephant as well as other wild animals such as antelopes and monkeys also leave here. Although they are under the protection of the Cameroonian Ministry of Forest and Wildlife and the WWF, they are still being hunted by the villagers living around. The Mt. Cameroon National Park was created in 2009. Efforts are being done to protect this fauna and flora diversity.